Costa Concordia Sunk Ship ,what happen???

Costa Concordia Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) Indonesia, ensuring as much as 170 Indonesia Citizen (WNI) are among the 4 thousand victims of the sinking of the luxury cruise ship, the Costa Concordia, around the island Isola del Giglio, Italy, Saturday (2/1/2012), yesterday.
According to a spokesman for Kemenlu, Michael Tene, to 170 people CHILD(REN) is crew Costa Concordia.
"There are 170 CHILD(REN) who became a ship's crew," said Michael, Sunday (3/1/2012), through a telephone line.

The 170 people, he says,  has been successfully rescued by the local authorities of the ship, and Central were in shelters while the victims of the sinking of the ship Costa Concordia.

"This time they've been evacuated in the nearby port of near disasters. The situation is still developing, they were evacuated and accommodated in the shelter, "he added.

As reported earlier, at least three people were killed, and 40 people still missing, when the ship sank after hitting the Costa Concordia

reef near the island of Isola del Giglio.
Cruise ships, carrying at least passengers when it sank, 4.229, where 4,000 of them had been successfully evacuated.
When the ship's captain was arrested by the police. He is considered responsible for the tragedy.
Up to now the exact number of fatalities is still flooded, due to the simpang local authority has not issued an information resm Costa Concordia